Are Japanese people quiet?


Japanese Culture

t f B! P L

 Are Japanese people quiet?

Have you ever thought that Japanese people are quiet?

I often think that Japanese people are very quiet.

1.Audience listening to a speech

I sometimes see foreign politicians and celebrities giving speeches on TV news.

And I am surprised to see so many people cheering there.

This is because most Japanese people are quiet when they are listening to someone else.

One of the reasons in education in schools.

In Japanese schools, teachers teach their students the following.

"Listen to others quietly. Be quiet in the presence of others."

2.Is this teaching a good thing?

Personally, I think it's good.

Perhaps the Japanese, including myself, love silence.

For example, have you ever been on a train in Japan?

If you answered "yes", you were probably surprised by the silence in the train car.

Is this cramped?

But the Japanese are comfortable in that environment.

For Japanese people, being quiet may mean a time to face their own hearts.

This may be devised from one of the Buddhist concepts called "Zen(禅)".

3.It might be interesting to look at it differently.

Many temples in Japan represent this idea of "Zen(禅)".

Unlike the glittering architecture of foreign countries, it might seem plain at first glance.

But it may symbolize the Japanese people who quietly face their own hearts.

To sum up, Japanese people are quiet.

But remember that there could be a deep thought behind it.

Though I often have no idea what I'm doing...

Today's Japanese saying
"明日は明日の風が吹く(Ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku)" = Tomorrow is another day.

Translation: Tomorrow will be tomorrow's wind.
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